How might a governmental agency shift from a goods-dominant to a service dominant logic?
How can Trafikverket apply the Service Design process and get closer to Service Dominant logic based on their current situation?
The Swedish Transport Administration, Trafikverket, is a governmental agency facing the challenges of a growing transportation sector supported by insufficient infrastructure. Founded in 2010 with the merger of Banverket, Vägverket, Rikstrafiken, and Rederinämnden, Trafikverket employs 6,500 in seven offices throughout Sweden. It’s charged with the long term planning and support of the Swedish transport system, which includes 98,500 km of roads, 14,700 km of rails, and 37 ferry routes.Currently, Trafikverket is weighing whether to expand its service department beyond its current six employees, in order to better work with the transition from product-focused to user-driven organization. In support of this large and complex undertaking, and in partnership with the Service Research Center at Karlstad University, our team was tasked with the broad request of testing service design tools and methods in the field to provide recommendations to support the aim of becoming service-dominant and user-driven.
Approach / Methods / Tools
contextual interviews
service safari
trend analysis
expectation maps
cultural probes
quantitative contextual surveys
personasLearnings & Impacts
The team organized a 5-day service safari traversing the width of Sweden in order to experience Trafikverket products and services first-hand and interact with users along the way. Before we began, we held a one-day workshop with three members of the Trafikverket service team in order to gain a clearer picture on their organizational structure, goals, and ways of working.The service safari included car, train and ferry travel. We placed ourselves in context and employed a variety of Service Design methods to gain insights and feedback from users firsthand. Through the large amount of data gathered, we developed five persona groups to help Trafikverket better understand their users. The depth of the project was focused on interaction and insights, though preliminary future services were developed through idea generation. Our end goal was to demonstrate the capabilities of the Service Design approach in order to show Trafikverket the possibilities, and promote the expansion of the Service Department.
Integrated Project / 8 week course @ HDK
Team: Giulia Floris Aresu, Jenny Anneback, Triin Mand, Lindsay Tingstrom